Monday, November 30, 2009

International Man of Mistery...Liberty Belles's response to Jens Blog....

Upon reading several interesting blogs, I came across one that didn't seem like a homework assignment and (although it is a blog about a blog), I chose to read on. "Belle" as I will call her, was actually at the Alamo, saw Mr. Perry, and applied her intelligence, whether it was accumulated through her Texas Government class, osmosis through her son's 4th grade government class, or her keen perception, it definitely caught my attention. I must say that it was very perceptive to observe the fact that he (Mr. Perry) was actually utilizing the Alamo for future campaigning purposes. No, he did NOT need to sign any bill for it to pass or be there for any other reason other than to visit the Alamo. Wait a couple of days and spend your own money on your own campaign while the bill passes itself...he knows that, and so does everyone that was there for this glorious and heroic, basically Mr. Perry was using our tax dollars for campaign purposes...what a smart politician. Although I do blame this partially on the little power our Texas governors have and the amount they have to depend on "personal power" for public support and future elections, it does not condone utilizing our dollars for campaigning. By law, all parties in Texas must hold their political conventions in the month of June, but at the Alamo?? Nice catch Belle!!

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